Maslow The Visionary

History of Psychology blog entry 3 Abraham Maslow was born on April 1, 1908, in Brooklyn, New York. The eldest of seven children, born to Jewish parents who emigrated from Russia.  Maslow is a founder of Humanistic Psychology, which criticised Psychoanalysis and behaviourism as being too focused on the abnormal side of human nature. Maslow conceptualized Humanistic psychology as a study of the whole person. Maslow’s focus was on the healthy, fully functioning, creativeContinue reading “Maslow The Visionary”

The Rise of Behaviourism

History of Psychology Blog entry 2 Picture sourced from Behaviourism enjoyed a considerable rise in American Psychology in the 1920s. Prior to the rise of behaviourism, psychologist of the time were mostly using introspection to gain understanding around the human mind. Introspection is very subjective, researchers were finding it difficult to replicate studies, which affected the scientific strengthContinue reading “The Rise of Behaviourism”

The Revolutionary Margaret Washburn

   History of Psychology Blog entry 1    Margaret Floy Washburn, was born July 25th, 1871 in Harlem, New York City. She was the only child of Francis Washburn and Elizabeth Davis, both parents encouraged Washburn in her education. Her mother came from a wealthy family and her father was a businessman who later turned toContinue reading “The Revolutionary Margaret Washburn”

Paul Broca

”Broca’s accomplishments in his near fifty-six years of life are almost immeasurable” — Erwin H. Ackerknecht Pierre Paul Broca was born in 28th June 1824 in Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, France. Broca was born to Annette Broca and Doctor Jean Pierre Benjamin Broca. Paul was their 3rd child. Paul’s father was a local doctor and was reported to treat the poor and payContinue reading “Paul Broca”

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